Pét Nat - The Laid Back Libation
Saturday, June 8, 2024
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Location: New Orleans Marriott Warehouse Arts District Hotel
859 Convention Center Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70130
Price: $75
Pétillant Naturel wines (aka pét-nats) popped onto the wine scene within the last decade along with other natural, organic and orange wines. But to some degree, they’ve become a part of the everyday wine world; you can find a pét-nat at your local wine store just as easily as you can at a shop focusing solely on esoteric natural vintners. Pét-nats are sparkling wines made in a manner that predates the “traditional method” used in Champagne (and for other sparkling wines). Rather than induce a second fermentation in the bottle to create the bubbles, as Champagne producers do, makers of pét-nat simply bottle the wine before the initial fermentation has ended. The result is softly fizzy, sometimes lightly sweet from residual grape sugars, sometimes hazy with unfiltered yeast particles.
According to Food & Wine Magazine, pét-nats are casual. “They’re easy going. They didn’t brush their hair when they got up, and they threw on yesterday’s jeans. Some pét-nats are downright funky. On the other hand, some are as clean and precise as can be.”
Come as you are – casual and natural are “de rigueur” to taste through selected Pét Nats and other natural wines paired with organic snacks.